Caregiver and Child Missing Data Report Guide

The sections below contain information about navigating within and filtering the data included in the child and caregiver (adult) missing data reports. These reports will assist supervisors and program staff to identify missing or incorrect data to ensure a complete and accurate dataset is entered into DAISEY.

The data represented reflect information entered into the Add Caregiver Profile and Add Child Profile forms in DAISEY. Child and Caregiver missing data are presented in separate reports; however, the report layout and navigation are similar in design and function, so both reports are covered in the sections below.

Note: Instructions for accessing underlying client level data and downloading PDF versions of reports are available in the DAISEY TA Brief “How to Use DAISEY Reports”. That information will not be covered again here.

Using Tabs and Filters

While the Child Missing Data report is contained on a single tab, the Caregiver Missing Data report is displayed across two tabs (see Figure 1).

Figure 1

Figure 1

On both reports, the missing data categories can be filtered several ways:  “Start Date” and “End Date”, “Funding Source”, “Caregiver Type” (Missing Caregiver Data only), “Grantee”, “Organization”, and “Program” (Figure 2).

Figure 2

The start and end dates are based on a caregiver or child’s active status using a combination of enrollment and discharge dates.  For example, with a date parameter of 6/1/2017 (start date) and 10/20/2017 (end date), if a client enrolled any time before 10/20/2017 and has either no discharge date or a discharge date after 6/1/2017, the client’s data will be included in the report. There are two ways that you can filter by date: click in the Start Date or End Date text box and type in the desired date parameters, or click in the text box to select a date from the pop-up calendar.

For all other filters, use the multi-select drop down menus to select the information you wish to see included in the report.

Data Source for Missing Data Reports

The data in these reports represents fields that have missing answers (i.e., are left blank) in the child and caregiver profile forms in DAISEY. The missing data categories are listed down the left side of the report (e.g., Figure 3 and 4) and correspond directly with questions found on the child and caregiver profiles saved in DAISEY.

Figure 3 – Missing Caregiver Data

Figure 3 – Missing Caregiver Data


Figure 4 – Missing Child Data

Figure 4 – Missing Child Data

Interpreting the Report

Both Missing Data reports display information the same way. The items listed down the left side of the report correspond directly with fields in the caregiver or child profile. The yellow part of the bar reflects the number of profiles missing those fields, while the gray part of bar reports how many profiles have a response saved for that item. For example, in the snapshot below (Figure 5), 483 child profiles are missing a Funding Source response in their profile. To view a breakdown of children missing that field, click on the yellow bar for that item, and view the dynamically updated list of caregivers (name and ID) on the right hand side of the report.

Figure 5

Figure 5

In Figure 6 below, for Child is Linked to Primary Caregiver, users can see that 94 child profiles are not linked to a primary caregiver. Clicking on the yellow part of the bar, the list of child names and ID numbers on the far right of the page are dynamically updated to display information on those 94 children. With names and ID numbers listed, users can then locate and update child family associations in DAISEY, as needed.

Figure 6

Figure 6