Associating Children to Environment Profiles
When creating or editing an environment profile, users may associate children with the environment.
To associate child profiles with an environment profile:
- Click Environment Data in the left navigation menu.
- Click Search Environment Data.
- Locate the environment profile to associate children to.
- Click the pencil icon under the Action column to edit.
- Click the Choose Associated Children button near the bottom of the form.
- A search grid of child profiles appears.
- Select the children to associate with this environment by clicking the check box next to each child in this environment.
- Click the Select button.
- The selected children now appear in the Associated Children section of the profile.
- Click Save to save the newly associated children to the environment profile.
If children were accidentally associated to an environment profile, the association can be removed with the following steps:
- Click Environment Data in the left navigation menu.
- Click Search Environment Data.
- Locate the environment profile to unassociate children.
- Click the pencil icon in the Action column to edit.
- In the Associated Children section, click the trashcan icon next to the child to unassociate. This will remove the child from the environment profile, it will not delete the child profile.