Associating Children to a Caregiver Profile

Associating Children to a Caregiver Profile

Families are built in DAISEY by associating child and caregiver profiles.

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Associate Child

To associate one or more child profiles to a caregiver:

  1. Click Family Profiles in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click Search Caregiver.
  3. Locate a caregiver of the household.
  4. Click the pencil icon in the Action column.
  5. Click the Associate Child button, which is located near the bottom of the profile, above the Associated Members grid.
  6. Click the checkbox next to each child to associate.
  7. Click Select.
  8. Click Save near the bottom of the page. An alert box will pop up that reads: “Successfully saved caregiver with ID” “Where would you like to go next?”
  9. This screen will give you three options to choose from, Family Activities, Search Caregiver Grid, or Search Child Grid. This will allow you to continue your workflow in adding family activity forms, additional caregivers, or children.
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Selecting children

If a child was accidentally associated to a profile and saved, please reach out to DAISEY Support at