Accessing Environment Activities

Accessing Environment Activities

The Environment Activities page for any environment profile is accessed through the Search Environment Data grid.

To view an Environment Activities page:

  1. Click Environment Data in the left navigation menu.
  2. Click Search Environment Data.
  3. Locate the environment profile to view.
  4. Click the environment ID.

Users will be redirected to an Environment Activities page with two sections:

  • Environment Activities
  • Forms Available for Environment Activities
“Environment Activities” page

Environment Activities page

In the Environment Activities grid, each row contains information specific to a form filled out for this environment profile:

  • ID: A DAISEY ID generated for this specific form.
  • Activity Forms: the name of the activity form entered.
  • Activity Date: the date the activity occurred.
  • Organization: the name of the organization of the user that entered data into the form.
  • Status: whether the form has been “Submitted” or is still “In Progress”.
  • Action: clickable icons allow users to perform certain actions:
    • View a form by clicking the magnifying glass icon.
    • Edit a form by clicking the pencil icon—only an option for forms “in progress.”
    • Revert a submitted form back to “in progress” for editing by clicking the arrow icon.
    • Delete the form by clicking the trashcan icon. Not recommended (see Deleting Environment Activities).
    • View the form history by clicking on the paper icon (i.e. when edits were made and by which user).
    • Click the printer icon to print the completed activity form.